Friday, March 25, 2011

Super Chickens

We have super chickens! The smaller of these 2 eggs is normal sized. The other was a REALLY big egg laid by one of our chickens. Of course they were both yummy because they come from our happy free range chickens.

Our baby chickens are really growing quickly. I know that the chicks we received in June did not grow at this rate. This new batch includes some meat chickens and some more egg layers. Our egg stand by the road has become very popular.

I think the end of the tunnel is in sight! The weather forecasters are calling for rain tomorrow and then sunny for the following 10 days. Yipee!!!! I really do like the rain - honest. I'm just getting a little water logged.

We have miles of fences to put up, but we can't set posts until the ground dries up a bit. The veggies are holding up fine, but a bit under water. The fruit trees are leaning from the wet ground and wind. My poor husband has to go readjust them daily. The olive trees are growing faster than we expected. As soon as it dries out, Marvin will need to get taller supports.

The berry bushes are loving this wet weather. They are covered with little buds.

I have a couple of chickens that have been pecking at the eggs (end eating them). I ordered 6 ceramic eggs that look just like the real thing. The idea is to put them in the nest and hope that they try to attack them. When they realize that their beaks are sore, it is supposed to break the habit. They look SO realistic that I put little red dots on the bottom of each one. While I was gone today, Marvin decided to collect eggs for me. Thank goodness I realized that he hadn't checked them before I put them in cartons. Can you imagine if one of our customers tried to make an omelet with one?

Marvin built new pig pens yesterday. Our boar Chuckles now has his own pen under the oak tree. Pork and Chop have new Hilton Hotel style pens behind the barn and Piper (Marvin calls her Pifer) has her own pen next to Chuckles. As soon as it dries out more, we will redo the two pens under the tree. Then they'll be in "pig heaven". HaHa.

We had a couple of guests this past week from Wayne's office. They didn't get up here until about 11:00 pm. We had a great time - the three of us worked on the blog until 2:00 am!

More to come soon!

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