Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

I sure hope your Memorial Day weekend was as pleasant as ours. It was a wonderful combination of friends, family and farm. The picture above is the flagpole at Marvin's brother's place at Lake Nacimiento. He has a beautiful "compound" there with a new weekend home and great outdoor kitchen and gathering areas. The American flag was the one received from the veterans and given to my mother when my father passed away in 1976. She thought it would be a great place for it to be flown since he loved the lake. The bottom flag is from Marvin's cousin's place in Baja California. You should take a look at their website: http://www.bajajoe.com.

We were invited to a birthday party on Sunday. It was absolutely amazing. The food was delicious, the weather was great and the company was perfect. There was a band that was probably the best local band I've heard with a combination of classic rock, country and christian music. We had so much fun listening and dancing. It was truly one of those evenings that you just don't want to end. We met and reconnected with so many beautiful souls and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Of course, mixed in with all the fun was normal farm duties. Up in the morning and feeding and watering all the animals, checking the veggies and trees to see if they need to be watered, building new pens, baling hay and collecting eggs. Marvin made a comment on Sunday which I totally agree with. Someone asked him if the farm was a lot of work and he said, "There is nothing I do that I consider work. I love every bit of it."

Piper (one of our sows) is due to deliver piglets any day. Pigs are pregnant for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days. They usually are very accurate so we should have little squeelers soon. We had to build a special farrowing pen where she could have the babies and they could get away from her without being squished. Pigs have 2 uteruses so they have babies on one side and then plop over on the other side for the rest of them. They don't mean to, but often lay on the first babies at this time.

This week will be a busy one for me getting ready for the Bradley Elementary School farm visit.

Hope you have a great (short) work week!

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