Monday, April 30, 2012


Meet our newest feathered babies.  We raised these ducks from 1 day old and recently let them loose in the pond.  They are what they call "exotic" ducks of various types.  I guess I'll have to figure out which type they actually sent me so I can tell visitors.

They are so darn cute paddling around together.  We feed them once a day and they come running up the bank to get it, quacking away.

Give me a call (805) 610-1053 and make a time to come meet everyone.  The vegetables are ready for u-pick and we'd love to see you!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


For those of you that are new to the blog, all of our heifers were purchased the past 2 years from the California Mid State Fair. These were all raised by 4H and FFA members as projects.
Our cows have been in the back 300 and are all very fat and happy. We went up to the herd to check on them this morning. Imagine our suprise to see a new calf! We have 15 heifers that calved last summer and fall. In addition, there was one that didn't calf. We were going to check her this spring to see if she was going to calve this year. If not, we would need to sell her. Evidently she just didn't feel like being on the same schedule as all the rest! We are very happy because she came from a real nice ranch with high quality animals.
It's never dull at the farm!

Friday, April 27, 2012

This is an old picture, but I love it so much I wanted to share it.  Ben and Angel are our two Pyrenees that guard the livestock at the Farm.  They are brother and sister and have been together since birth so you can imagine how close they are.

We have learned though that we can't let them run together or they will climb (yes climb) the fence and take off.  Pyrenees LOVE to run.  The last time they took off, we retrieved them 10 miles away.  They ended up on a jobsite and one poor worker went into his toolshed to find Ben sleeping on the floor.

I wish for you a relationship like this!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our new chickies

We received our new Cornish Cross chicks yesterday.  These are for meat chickens only.  We are raising them as prescribed by Joe Salatin.  Here is a picture of the little darlings at 3 days old (they came from Missouri in the mail).

As soon as they feather out, they will be moved to the chicken tractors and moved throughout the orchards and berry bushes. 

The Cornish Cross Chicken is a cross between the Cornish chicken and a White Rock Chicken. They were developed for the commercial meat chicken market and have been dominating it for the past fifty years. They are a rapid grower and pullets can reach 4 1/2 lbs by 6 wks of age and cockerels 6 lbs by 6 wks of age.

It will be great to have tender flavourful chicken to eat that is grown naturally with no additives.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our ducks are free!

This is my batch of "rare" ducks that we purchased as one day old ducklings.  We were able to let them go on the pond last week and are they happy!

I love this picture of them with the barn in the background and the morning sun.

We don't have that sun today.  It rained this morning and hopefully will resume tonight.  We need that rain for our transplants as well as the barley and forage hay.

We sat in the hot tub last evening just before dark and watched the owls in the palm tree stretch their wings and check out their landing gear.  Just as it became dark, they flew out to do their night hunting.  It was so fun to see and one actually flew just over our heads.  Only on the farm would we arrange our schedule around that of the owls.

We then had to put the chickens to bed.  I waited by the gate with the dogs and one of the owls swooped down over the fruit orchard so close I could hear its wings flap.  Nothing is as exciting as nature.

The vegetables are really starting to grow.  We have just about everything you can think of planted.  The artichokes are amazing.  I cut off the tips of them and put them in a pan of water with wine vinegar and a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil.  Then I put a generous amount of minced garlic on top, cover and boil until they are tender.  Yum Yum.

We received our new batch of chicks today.  We have some cornish cross in this bunch.  We will feed them and keep them in the moving chicken tractors for 8 weeks.  Hopefully they will be tender and flavorful.

The flowers are blooming and the new bees we just received are happy campers so we should have some yummy honey soon.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 23, 2012

U-Pick time is here!

We are starting to get LOTS of vegetables. 

We literally have hundreds of artichokes (2 for $1) that are so tender.  My husband eats the outside few leaves and gives me the rest.  I can just dip the whole bottom of the artichoke and eat it - no cleaning of those "feathers" necessary.

Our kale is very tender - the new wonder food you know.

There is fennel, celery root, radishes and strawberries.

Can't forget our yummy eggs from our free range pastured chickens.  Everyone says they are the best eggs they've ever eaten - just $3 per dozen.

Give me a call and let's figure a time for you to come and enjoy the farm.  805 610-1053.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Is your meat causing diseases?

We, at HZ Harvest Farm offer only antibiotic free meats for your health

Are Antibiotics in Bacon Leading to Deadlier Human Diseases?

Posted: Apr 20, 2012 10:29 AM by Associated Press (DS)
WASHINGTON (AP) - The bacon you had for breakfast is at the center of a 35-year debate over antibiotics.

That's because the same life-saving drugs that are prescribed to treat everything from ear infections to tuberculosis in humans also are used to fatten the animals that supply the chicken, beef and pork we eat every day.

Farmers say they have to feed the drugs to animals to keep them healthy and meet America's growing appetite for cheap meat. But public health advocates argue that the practice breeds antibiotic-resistant germs in animals that can cause deadly diseases in humans.

The U.S. government moved to ban the use of some of the drugs in animals in the 1970s, but the rule was never enforced. Then last week, the Food and Drug Administration outlined plans to phase out the use of antibiotics in farm animals for nonmedical purposes over three years.

The U.S., the biggest global consumer of meat by far, follows Europe and other developed nations in restricting the use of penicillin and other antibiotics in animals. The issue has moved to the front burner as documentaries such as "Meet Your Meat" and "Food Inc." have led Americans to focus more on what goes into their food. Sales of antibiotic-free meat, for instance, are up 25 percent to $175 million in the past three years.

"Consumers are beginning to understand the cost of eating cheap meat," said Stephen McDonnell, CEO of Applegate Farms, which markets antibiotic-free meats and cheeses. "As people really understand what it takes to create a healthy animal they will probably eat less meat, but they are going to eat better meat."


Antibiotics have been hailed as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the 20th century since their first use in humans in the 1940s. They've enabled doctors to cure deadly bacterial diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid fever and meningitis.

The FDA approved the use of antibiotics in livestock in the 1950s after studies showed that animals that got the drugs in their feed put on more weight in less time than animals on a traditional diet. For example, pigs that got an antibiotic were shown to need 10 to 15 percent less feed to reach the same weight as pigs on regular diets.

Since feed can account for as much as 70 percent of total animal production costs, the discovery was a windfall for farmers. It meant they could produce more meat for less money, resulting in fatter profits.

But by the 1970s, researchers began warning regulators that routine use of antibiotics was contributing to a surge in drug-resistant germs, or superbugs, that render antibiotics powerless against deadly infections. Professor Stuart Levy of Tufts University conducted the first study in 1976 showing highly-resistant e. coli E. coli bacteria could pass from chickens to farm workers who worked with the animals in just a few weeks.

The study contributed to the FDA's decision to ban nonmedical use of penicillin and tetracycline in farm animals a year later. But farmers and drugmakers pushed back, and the FDA rule was never enforced.

"Why did no one act on it? Because there was a strong lobby," said Levy, who is co-founder and president of the Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics, a nonprofit advocacy group that favors restrictions on the drugs. "They said, 'Well, show us the deaths. Show us the real problem. Otherwise, this isn't so terrible."

But it's difficult to link the overuse of antibiotics to deaths. It's tough to find the source of bacteria-resistant germs, which can spread from animals to humans through a number of ways, including undercooked meat and drinking water contaminated by animal waste. And bacteria mutate when passing between species, meaning that the same strain of drug-resistant bacteria in chicken can take on a different form once it enters the human body.


While the issue mostly was tabled in the U.S., it was gaining momentum elsewhere in the world.

In 1999, the European Union backed a ban on penicillin and other human antibiotics for growth in farm animals. Within four years, the use of antibiotics on animals fell 36 percent in Denmark, 45 percent in Norway and 69 percent in Sweden.

Levy, the Tufts University professor, and his colleagues had hoped that the EU's ban would bolster the case for restricting the use of antibiotics in the U.S. But instead, the data has been used to argue both sides of the issue.

U.S. farmers have seized on reports that cases of diarrhea among young pigs increased in the first year after the EU ban, suggesting that animal health had declined. But public health advocates say that the outbreaks among pigs decreased once farmers improved the sanitary conditions by cleaning feedlots more frequently and giving animals more space.

U.S. groups like the National Chicken Council warn that restricting use of antibiotics will result in sicker animals, increasing costs for farmers - and the price of meat and poultry for consumers. Some industry groups have projected costs for farmers would rise by $1 billion over 10 years, though those estimates have not been backed by outside groups.

Liz Wagstrom, chief veterinarian of the National Pork Producers Council, said the modern farming system is designed to keep animals healthy and produce large quantities of meat.

"The bottom line is that if these products go away, it may result in sicker pigs, more expensive food, and we don't think it will improve public health," Wagstrom said.

Meat prices in Europe have not risen dramatically since the EU's ban. Danish authorities estimate the total costs for pig farmers increased by just 1 percent, or about $1.35 for every pig slaughtered - far below food industry estimates.

U.S. health experts suggest the increase here would be modest, too. The Institute of Medicine, a non-partisan nonpartisan group of medical experts who advise the federal government on public health issues, estimates the average U.S. consumer would spend between $5 and $10 more per year on meat if antibiotics were restricted.


Farmers continue to argue that antibiotics are necessary to have a steady supply of low-cost, disease-free meat for Americans, who eat about three-quarters of a pound per day - roughly twice the global average. They acknowledge that antibiotic-free animals can be raised by small, organic farms but say large-scale meat production requires antibiotics to keep animals healthy.

"We're pretty darn committed to our cattle, and our goal is to not have them get sick," said Mike Apley, a cattle farmer and professor of veterinary medicine at Kansas State University.

Farmers like Apley also point to a handful of studies that conclude the risk to humans is extremely low. One 2004 estimate conducted by scientists consulting for the meat industry, for instance, placed the likelihood that antibiotic would not work in a human due to animal use at 1 in 82 million.

And, they argue, it's the overuse of antibiotics in humans - not animals - that's causing a rise in drug-resistant bacteria. Indeed, for decades, doctors have prescribed antibiotics for common ailments like the flu and sinus infections that are not caused by bacteria. Studies show doctors often feel pressured to prescribe the drugs.

"The problem is not an animal or human issue per se," said Dr. Tom Chiller, associate director for epidemiologic science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "It's about using the antibiotics as judiciously as we possibly can in situations where they are needed."

Some Americans are becoming more aware of the issue. Liza Greenfield, 33, said she will only buy organic, antibiotic-free meat at farmers markets because she doesn't think animals should be given antibiotics for growth.

"A cow is supposed to eat grass," said Greenfield, an administrator at the New York University. "I want to know it was out on the pasture eating grass."

As Americans show more interest, so are companies. Some of the largest restaurant and grocery chains including Kroger and Safeway now offer antibiotic-free meat. And last month, executives from companies such as Chipotle Mexican Grill and Bon Appetit food services that offer antibiotic-free meat and poultry gathered in Washington to lobby for restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animals.

The FDA last week said it would ask drugmakers to voluntarily stop marketing antibiotics for non-medical uses on their labels with a goal of completely stopping the practice in a few years. Animal drugs can only be legally prescribed for uses listed on the label, so the change is expected to have a major impact on how farmers use them.

Some public safety advocates complained that the FDA, which worked with drugmakers on the proposal, should have mandated the change. But the FDA said a formal ban would have required individual hearings for each drug, which could have taken decades.

"We think the science is very solid in showing that largely indiscriminate use of antibiotics contributes to resistance," said FDA Deputy Commissioner MichaeI Taylor. "I don't think there's really any question about it."

The Back 300

We went for an afternoon ride on the back 300 to check fences.  I was so happy to see the wildflowers flourishing. 

For those of you that have been following us, this is a picture of Sugar and MooMoo, the orphaned filly and bull calf that we adopted.  They are getting bigger and are in with the herd, but are still very connected.  You don't see it in the picture, but the herd of 15 bull elk is just across on the opposite hillside.  They usually are gone long before now.  They head back to Camp Roberts and the San Antonio and Nacimiento Rivers for the summer.  We are really enjoying seeing them.

The vegetables are growing so quickly.   We have been doing "taste testing" and they are very yummy.  Don't forget to call us for a visit for u-pick.  It's really fun to wander the rows and pick your own food.  Somehow it just tastes better.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We are so thankful for the rains.  Things are finally turning green (including the weeds) and it "feels" like spring.  We are spending most of our time trying to keep ahead of them, but really enjoying the days. 

We currently have kale (the new wonder crop), strawberries, radishes and LOTS of artichokes ready for u-pick.  We also have baby chicks. 

There are many goats for sale from kids (just weaned) to our proven nannies to our wonderful billy - Jethro.  If you are interested, let us know.

We spent last weekend in the yard.  Moved the dog pen, pulled weeds, planted flowers and just the normal yard stuff I don't seem to get to anymore.  I've always been a stickler with my yard and taken pride in the way it looks but man have I've changed.  It seems that there is always something to do elsewhere on the farm.  My poor lawn is nothing but weeds because the chickens were down here last fall and just tore it to pieces.  I need to replant it but don't have the heart to ask Marvin with help when he is so busy with the rest of the property.

Give us a call at (805) 610-1053 to arrange a visit.  We love to share our life.

Monday, April 16, 2012

He just won't listen!

The good news is that we received about 2 1/2 inches of rain over the past few days.  Of course, this adds a whole new bunch of problems to our day.

Even though it was raining "cats and dogs" (not these three.  They are Burner, Tuck and Bailey.) we still need to close up the chickens and turkeys at night.  The coyotes don't take a rain day.

We went up the road in the Kubota and saw that some of the girls were still out on the hillside.  Marvin headed around the barn with me saying "Don't go there, we'll get stuck".  If we have followed my blog for long, you might remember this same story last year (only a different area on the farm).

While he was protesting that it would be fine, I was responding with "I am going to tell you I told you so when you get stuck!"  It was a small victory for me as I then had to walk through mucky mud with my good work shoes on (remember that we were just running up the hill to close the chicken house).

It was obviously a lost cause at that point so we finished walking up to the chicken house and then back home with the poor Kubota sitting in the field until the next morning.

I told you so!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fun on the Farm

Peggy & Tina enjoyed visiting with this cute little goat.  They are such huggable animals when they are babies.

Ben was injured the other night (he is one of the Great Pyrenees).  We love our dogs and they are the best guards, but if we let the two of them out together, they end up at Lake San Antonio campground 20 miles away.  What we've begun doing is letting Angel out during the day and Ben out at night.  this works very well normally. 

We have about 100 acres that is completely fenced in non-climb.  The only problem is that nobody told Ben that it is non-climb and he climbs it.  When we woke up last Monday, Ben was up by the new barn, covered with blood.  The good news is that it wasn't his blood.  The bad news is that whoever he fought with, got hold of his back paw.  We've been watching it all week, but it was swollen again this morning so he has to go to the "dog hospital" today.

Our son James is in the Army and went to basic training in South Carolina in mid September.  He left from there to attend specialized school in Virginia.  He graduated #1 and we are soooo proud of him.

Our daughter-in-law moved with their 2 little boys to Washington, just south of Seattle a couple of weeks ago and James arrived this week.  They are so happy to be together again as a family.  Unfortunately the youngest, Carter, who is 5 months old, came down with chicken pox and is now in the hospital.  I think he's doing a little better today.  Poor little baby.

The farm is really booming.  We have over 30 rows of veggies planted as well as 2000 artichokes.  We are planting more each day. 

Enjoy the spring weather!